Følgende melding ble sendt ut 6. september 2021 fra Patrick Fontan, gjengitt i sin helhet nedenfor. Vi ønsker lykke til og håper dette også er med på å bringe Rorschach-metoden framover.
Dear Colleagues,
I am very pleased to announce today the creation of the International Rorschach Institute.
The main objective of our Institute is to renew, update and modernize John Exner’s approach to the Rorschach and we are working hard to conceive the Comprehensive System Revised (CS-R), for the administration, scoring and interpretation of the Rorschach test.
CHESSSS 2, the new official computer software for the CS-R is also currently being developed to enable psychologists to use the Rorschach with the CS-R efficiently when it is released.
The Workshop «Introduction to the CS-R and CHESSSS 2» will be presented at International Society of the Rorschach & Projective Methods Centenary Congress in Geneva in July 2022.
Please feel free to visit our website for further informations:
If you are interested in our projects and want to be updated you can register to our newsletter:
The Rorschach Comprehensive System and the CS-R are huge collective efforts and you can support our endeavours by spreading the word!
Please feel free to forward this message to your colleagues.
I am wishing you all the best for the future !
Patrick Fontan